The History

The Reconstruction of the XVI Century

The earthquakes

The castle does not bring any sign of human destruction. However, two earthquakes destroyed almost completely the buildings of the di Prampero area (1511 and 1976), but during the centuries other strong, repeated earthquakes occurred in the same area (1116, 1222, 1279, 1301, 1348, 1403). The chronicles do not explicitly quote the castle among the damaged possessions, but it's the building itself which brings signs of remakes that can be related with the earthquakes listed here above(1).

The reconstruction of the XVI century

Prampero in a XVII century picture (coll. Joppi, Udine) After the 1511 earthquake, the di Prampero Family Archives state that the restoration works engaged the consortes (relatives) di Prampero for the whole XVI century, with the leading contribution by Gio Gioseffo (1518-1595), Fulvio (1554-1602) and Gio Francesco (1530-1615).

Internal court If we exclude the Tarcento Tower - which was not rebuilt - and the western little lodge that was not there beforehands – apparently the castle was reconstructed with no renewals, having maintained the earlier construction principles, which were respected also when the new body with the external stairs was built in the courtyard (1595). At that time the Castle acquired the aspect it preserved until 1976.

(1) R. Sbuelz, Di alcuni terremoti in Friuli, col documento del notaio Belloni del 1511, Udine 1909.